Convention Guests

Guest Biographies and Information

Given (First) Name:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Family (Last) Name:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Select a letter above to find a guest by name.

For bands, musical groups, or guests with one-word names, select the letter of their last name. For example, to select the musical group known as Kazha, click "K" for the "Family (Last) Name".

We avoid having companies or organizations listed and actually list the individuals instead. For example, look up Scott Frerichs and/or Nick Landis rather than looking up "TeamFourStar" or Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza instead of "Least I Could Do".

We are aware that our guest data is never complete. If you can verify additional information, use the update link under that guest's name or go to the event and add multiple guests there.

100+ Club

Guests who have made 100 or more guest appearances at conventions:

  1. Vic Mignogna
  2. Greg Ayres
  3. Kyle Hebert
  4. Johnny Yong Bosch
  5. Todd Haberkorn
  6. Monica Rial
  7. Tiffany Grant
  8. Christopher Sabat
  9. Samurai Dan Coglan
  10. Chuck Huber
  11. J. Michael Tatum
  12. Jason David Frank
  13. Sean Schemmel
  14. Caitlin Glass
  15. Arthur Suydam
  16. William Shatner
  17. Michael Golden
  18. Lou Ferrigno
  19. Steve Bennett
  20. Veronica Taylor
  21. Yaya Han
  22. Renee Witterstaetter
  23. Bryce Papenbrook
  24. Neal Adams
  25. Jillian Coglan
  26. Walter E. Jones
  27. Colleen Clinkenbeard
  28. Robert DeJesus
  29. John Swasey
  30. Cristina Vee
  31. Mike McFarland
  32. Steve Blum
  33. Jan Scott-Frazier
  34. Leah Clark
  35. Charles Martinet
  36. Austin St. John
  37. Michael Rooker
  38. Sonny Strait
  1. James O'Barr
  2. Lauren Landa
  3. Brittney Karbowski
  4. Dan Parent
  5. Jessie James Grelle
  6. Steve Cardenas
  7. Cherami Leigh
  8. James Marsters
  9. Eric Vale
  10. Trina Nishimura
  11. Greg Wicker
  12. Greg Horn
  13. Ian Sinclair
  14. Kazha
  15. Lex Winter
  16. Gigi Edgley
  17. Tom Cook
  18. Jamie Marchi
  19. Richard Epcar
  20. Sam de la Rosa
  21. Eric Stuart
  22. John Barrowman
  23. Jim Cummings
  24. Karan Ashley
  25. Robert Axelrod
  26. Rikki Simons
  27. Rob Paulsen
  28. Robbie Daymond
  29. David Yost
  30. Doug Smith
  31. Aaron Dismuke
  32. Luci Christian
  33. Christopher Ayres
  34. Dante Basco
  35. Maile Flanagan
  36. Austin Tindle
  37. Chris Patton
  38. Samantha Inoue-Harte
  1. Ben Templesmith
  2. Sylvester McCoy
  3. Sean Astin
  4. Troy Baker
  5. Justin Briner
  6. Emily DeJesus
  7. Brent Spiner
  8. Billy Tucci
  9. David Vincent
  10. Ming Chen
  11. Michael Sinterniklaas
  12. Spike Spencer
  13. Peter David
  14. David Matranga
  15. Nichelle Nichols
  16. Billy West
  17. Max Mittelman
  18. Stephanie Nadolny
  19. Zach Aguilar
  20. Stan Lee
  21. Timothy Zahn
  22. Richard Horvitz
  23. John Beatty
  24. Amanda Conner
  25. Jae Lee
  26. Quinton Flynn
  27. Jimmy Palmiotti
  28. Marina Sirtis
  29. Keith Silverstein
  30. Colin Baker
  31. Chris Cason
  32. John de Lancie
  33. Walter Koenig
  34. Ray Park
  35. Jonathan Frakes
  36. Mike Grell
  37. Paul St. Peter
  38. Uncle Yo
  1. Tony Fleecs
  2. Tony Oliver
  3. Wendy Powell
  4. Neil Kaplan
  5. Ray Chase
  6. Gates McFadden
  7. Michael Biehn
  8. Jennifer Cihi
  9. D.C. Douglas
  10. Kane Hodder
  11. E. Jason Liebrecht
  12. The Manly Battleships
  13. George Takei
  14. Lisle Wilkerson
  15. Scott McNeil
  16. George Perez
  17. Mark Sheppard
  18. Giancarlo Esposito
  19. Eyeshine
  20. Ricco Fajardo
  21. Sean Gunn
  22. Catherine Sutherland
  23. Phil LaMarr
  24. Kristen McGuire
  25. Jason Mewes
  26. Nolan North
  27. Kira Buckland
  28. Denise Crosby
  29. Grey DeLisle Griffin
  30. Daniel Logan
  31. Elizabeth Maxwell
  32. Alexis Tipton
  33. Patrick Seitz
  34. Tara Strong
  35. Garrett Wang