Mike Grell Information

Mike Grell

Comic Artist / Writer

Home Page Wikipedia

Mike Grell is a legendary comic book writer and artist, known for his work on books such as Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Warlord and Jon Sable Freelance. Many more will recollect his work on the internationally acclaimed Green Arrow: Long Bow Hunters, which won him the comic industry's coveted Inkpot Award for Outstanding Achievement in Comic Art. His creator-owned series Shaman's Tears, published by Image Comics, has garnered widespread acclaim in the Native American community as a celebration of Indian traditions and lore. Grell's current projects include: The Warlord, a return to his first comic creation, writing and painting covers for a new series celebrating the 35th anniversary of DC Comics #1 fantasy adventure; and The Pilgrim, currently being published by IDW, a collaboration with his good friend Mark Ryan, the noted British stage and television actor (the voice for Bumblee and Jetfire in the Transformers movies and video games).

Convention Guest Appearances

114 confirmed guest appearances

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