Press Releases

January 9, 2006

News for MikomiCon 2006:

CSUN Anime Club announces Mikomicon

Northridge, January 9th 2006 - Write 4 Hope, a (501c) non-profit corporation based in Simi Valley and the CSUN Anime Club will be hosting the Mikomicon. The Mikomicon is a 2 day Anime Sci/Fi and Gaming Convention, which will be held on Friday & Saturday October 13th & 14th 2006 at CSUN University in Northridge, Calif.

The event will not only feature the latest in Anime, it will also feature Special Movie Screenings, a Drifting Contest, hosted by the Groovy Drift and a special presentation by the UCLA Taiko Band. Other special events planned for the con include, the Mikomicon Bash, an Animated Video Contest, Masquerade/Cosplay and much more.

Confirmed attendees include; TOKYOPOP, Geneon, Heretic Films, Wildcard Productions & sci/fi author Steven Barnes. Be sure to check out the Mikomicon website and forums for further information. The website url is and the url for our forums is

The Mikomicon is currently booking the dealer room and any interested dealers can contact Goldie Thomas at (805) 276-2614 or send an e-mail to or