About Me
Artist-in-training since I first picked up a pencil, first exposed to anime around 2000, cosplayer since 2005.
I attend the School of the Art Institute of Chicago looking to get my BFA for Illustration and Design, and go to cons during the off-season Anime Boston is my staple convention, while I also hit up San Diego Comiccon when I can and plan to try out a number of conventions as my schedule and wallet allow.
Fandoms include Guilty Gear, G Gundam and Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saiyuki, and Pokemon on the Japanese side, and Star Trek: TNG, Marvel comics, and MST3K/Rifftrax on the Western side, among many others. I have a fondness for 2D fighting games, roleplaying (mostly on livejournal), and am a terrible, terrible procrastinator.
Central MA (home)/Chicago (school)
OccupationCollege Art Student
Hobbies & InterestsCosplay, RP, video games