

Joshua Andrade

Member Since: April 24, 2008

About Me


Houston(ish), Tx


meauho's Next Conventions

meauho has no future conventions listed.

meauho's Most Recent Conventions

San Japan - San Antonio, TX, USA
August 10-12, 2012
Oni-Con - Galveston, TX, USA
October 28-30, 2011
San Japan - San Antonio, TX, USA
August 5-7, 2011
A-Kon - Dallas, TX, USA
June 10-12, 2011
Mizuumi-Con - San Antonio, TX, USA
March 26, 2011
Oni-Con - Houston, TX, USA
October 29-31, 2010

meauho's Achievement Pins

Attendee: Attended your first convention Enthusiast: Attended 25 conventions Sampler: Attended ten different conventions Kawaii: Attended an anime convention Excelsior: Attended a comic convention Natural 20: Attended a gaming convention I, Robot: Attended a science fiction convention Off Season: Attended a convention in December Quest of the Avatar: Changed your account's avatar image from the default Poster Child: Made your first post on the forums Vocal: Made 100 posts on the forums Bi-Coastal: Attended cons on both the East Coast and West Coast Long Time Fan: Attended conventions for over five years Old Timer: Attended conventions for over ten years Dealer's Choice: Attended a convention as a dealer Press Your Luck: Qualified for press credentials at a convention Gopher: Volunteered at a convention Staff: Joined staff for a convention Staph Infection: Staffed three different conventions Award Winner: Won an award for a costume