Michelle "Clockwork Faerie" Fitzgerald Information

Michelle "Clockwork Faerie" Fitzgerald

Michelle "Clockwork Faerie" Fitzgerald


Denver, CO, USA

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Michelle has been making historical costumes since she was a teenager, but picked up cosplay in earnest about 4 years ago. Michelle started an Etsy store 14 years ago and has been making custom corsetry through that platform for 11 years. She loves to try new things and play with new materials, and is so glad to have found a community to share that joy with. Favorite cosplays so far include s1 Witcher, Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and Sabriel (from the Abhorsen series of books by Garth Nix). Michelle loves to read fantasy and sci-fi books, and resides here in Denver with her partner and two children.

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