Kenichiro Tomiyasu

Kenichiro Tomiyasu is a powerhouse of artistic talent in Japan's entertainment industry. Kenichiro's work can be seen in many world-renowned videogames including: CAPCOM's Resident Evil - Code: Veronica, the fourth installment in the Resident Evil videogame series. CAPCOM's Dino Crisis 2 cinematics. The Battle Angel: Alita (GUNM) CGI Animated short for volume 6 of the SHUEISHA's Gunnm: Complete Edition manga.
He worked on SQUARE-ENIX's Final Fantasy X's cinematics, Sega's Blood Will Tell: Tezuka Osamu's Dororo opening cinematic and became Asmik Ace's director on Tenshou Gakuen Gensouroku's cinematics. Kenichiro was brought back in to work on SQUARE-ENIX's Project Sylpheed: Arc of Deception cinematics. He worked as the concept artist on SQUARE-ENIX's Gyromancer, concept artist for SQUARE-ENIX's Dragon Quest IX, the Matte painter for SEGA's Phantasy Star Portable 2. He was the concept artist for CAPCOM's Asura's Wrath and also for CAPCOM/Marvel's concept artist for Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. He worked as a concept artist on Konami Digital Entertainment's Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. He did concept work for SQUARE-ENIX's Final Fantasy XI Online and for the technology demo, Agni's Philosophy which was shown at E3 in 2012.
His feature film resume includes doing concept artwork for and untitled oshii film, Toei's Captain Harlock feature, and Toei's Gaiking feature and Capcom/Sony Pictures Entertainment's Resident Evil: Damnation. In his spare time, Kenichiro is an avid classic car enthusiast and can often be found doing upgrades on his Volkswagon Bus. He also enjoys building models.
Convention Guest Appearances
Youmacon 2019 - October 31 - November 3, 2019 in Detroit, MI, USACancelled Appearance