Jason Trost

Jason is a fourth generation filmmaker that has worked in the film industry for his entire life. He has written dozens of feature length screenplays, including the four films he has written, directed in starred in.
His first film, "THE FP", which he co-wrote/directed, and starred in, has created an unbelievable underground response and landed theatrical release in early 2012. His second film "ALL SUPERHEROES MUST DIE", and directed for $20,000, landed limited theatrical release in early 2013, making a profit of almost $1,000,000 worldwide, paving the way to his next film, the raunchy comedy "WET AND RECKLESS".
His next and greatest film which he shot in Tasmania, "HOW TO SAVE US" has won many awards including Best Director and Best Film at Fantastic Planet International Film Festival in Sydney and Best Sci-Fi Film at International Horror Hotel, landing it a limited theatrical release in the US on June 5th 2015 and home video on October 27th 2015 with an International release in 2016. It proves to be his biggest film yet.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Colossalcon 2018 - May 31 - June 3, 2018 in Sandusky, OH, USA
- Colossalcon 2016 - June 2-5, 2016 in Sandusky, OH, USA