Geoff Allan
Voice Actor
Montréal, QC

Geoff Allan is your answer to an entrepreneurial voice over artist who brings ambition and business thinking to demonstrate how to use your passion to realize your potential to become a voice over artist. Dismissed at 18 years old as someone who would "never make it in the business" Geoff used discouragement to his advantage and refused to let the voice over (VO) dream to burn out. Geoff committed himself to fulfilling his VO ambition now with clients in 16 countries representing a roster of blue chip clients in television, film, web and radio. Geoff engaged tactical lessons in technique and coaching while focusing on mastering both the technology of a VO studio and the power of marketing and the web. 60 minutes with Geoff Allan with leave you highly motivated and a believer in your own potential, in whatever you do.
Convention Guest Appearances
- CoTiCon 2015 - August 22, 2015 in Cornwall, ON