Bernard Gregory

Martial Arts Expert

Under Shihan Bernard Grégoire's supervision, Bujinkan Québec is the direct link with Japan's Master Masaaki Hatsumi's teachings. As with all the Bujinkan dojos worldwide, the art of Budo taijutsu is taught here. A little over 900 years-old, this martial art is composed of 9 ryu. These 9 martial arts have gone through the eventful feudal eras of Japan and survived up to now. Being the heritage of a warrior tradition, the martial arts taught at the Bujinkan dojos are dreadfully efficient in real-life situations. For those who know about martial arts, the name Ninjutsu is the old designation used to describe Budo Taijutsu.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Nadeshicon 2013 - April 26-28, 2013 in Quebec City, QC