Erin Cossar

Artist / Writer
Toronto, ON

Erin is a professional graphic designer with eight years of experience, having graduated from the College of North Atlantic's Graphic Design program in 2004. She has worked for companies such as Random House of Canada, Breakwater Books, Granite Studios, and Salvation Army.
In addition to her graphic design work, she does her own projects such as a one-issue comic that she did about global warming (which is actually funnier than you would think).
As well, with Toronto Joker she sells prints of her own works at comic and art conventions around the GTA. Currently she is working on getting her B.A. in English and Psychology through the distance program from Memorial University.
Convention Guest Appearances
- FrostCon 2017 - January 21-22, 2017 in Burlington, ON
- Quinte Mini Con 2016 - November 12-13, 2016 in Belleville, ON
- FrostCon 2015 - January 31, 2015 in Toronto, ON
- Quinte Mini Con 2014 - November 8-9, 2014 in Belleville, ON
- FrostCon 2013 - December 14, 2013 in Toronto, ON
- Quinte Mini Con 2013 - November 9-10, 2013 in Belleville, ON
- FrostCon 2013 - January 27, 2013 in Toronto, ON