Kevin Lillard

Convention Photographer
A Fan's View
Mauston, WI, USA

See also: Death Announcement
Kevin Lillard is best known among fans of Japanese animation as the person who operated the "A Fan's View" web site that covered anime conventions. From 1997 to 2009, he attended more than 200 of those events from Florida, California, and Canada. During that time he also was a reporter for the Indianapolis Star, and the announcer for the Indianapolis Speedrome and the NAMARS racing series. It wasn't unusual for him to spend one day covering a newspaper story, and the next night at a race track and go to a fandom event a couple of days later. The web site began with a trip to Georgia for both Anime Weekend Atlanta and the final NASCAR cup championship race at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. Both experiences were to fascinating that he kept going to both races and conventions. His work appeared in such diverse publications as National Speed Sport News and Newtype USA. For his web site efforts, he received the Momiji Award in 2012 from the organizers of Anime North. His work for various radio stations resulted in a national Unity Award from Lincoln University.
Convention Guest Appearances
- GoDaikoCon 2016 - August 5-7, 2016 in Pontiac, MI, USA
- Anime North 2013 - May 24-26, 2013 in Toronto, ON
- Ohayocon 2013 - January 18-20, 2013 in Columbus, OH, USA
- Animé Los Angeles 2009 - January 2-4, 2009 in Los Angeles, CA, USA
- JAFAX 2004 - June 26-27, 2004 in Allendale, MI, USA
- AnimeIowa 2003 - August 22-24, 2003 in Cedar Rapids, IA, USA