Claire Copping
Team Giblets
Southampton, UK

The seventh son of a seventh son Claire was destined to wield mighty magic powers and become a powerful Magi the likes of whom had not been seen since the days of Merlin. This was until the midwife pointed out that being a girl she was not actually a seventh son. Dreams of magic mastery thwarted she took up pencil and ink pen to walk the mystical path of the artist instead.
Special Skills:
Ability to spot an incorrectly used comma at 500 yards.
Application of the beat stick when Keithâ€TMs use of hyperbole gets out of hand.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Nom-Con 2011 - August 5-7, 2011 in Dublin, Ireland
- Nom-Con 2010 - August 27-29, 2010 in Dublin, Ireland