Juno Blair B.
Web Comic Artist
Star Cross'd Destiny

Juno Blair B., nicknamed Juno because of her alter-ego comic link, was born in June of 1984 in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a native Texan, but currently migrant and hopes to return to her true home of New Orleans sometime in the future.
Juno writes and illustrates the serialized graphic novel, "Star Cross'd Destiny" which has been a decade-long project in the making. Her first print release debuted in late 2005 and the second book in the series is expected at the beginning of 2008. She is the writing talent behind other studio projects including "Oneiric Defiance", a post-apocolyptic romance and "Assembly Required", the much anticipated sociopathic, surgical drama all due out at the closure of the Star Cross'd Destiny project. Artistic credits include letters and colors for Antarctic Press releases and other comics and collections. Juno is currently finishing the score of her first OST for "Star Cross'd Destiny." Juno is a certified car and motorcycle fanatic and plays a little saxophone on the side when she's not passionately describing the wonders of the whiskey distilling process.
Convention Guest Appearances
- ConnectiCon 2013 - July 12-14, 2013 in Hartford, CT, USA
- Realms Con 2008 - September 5-7, 2008 in Corpus Christi, TX, USA
- New York Anime Festival 2007 - December 7-9, 2007 in New York, NY, USA
- Realms Con 2007 - August 24-26, 2007 in Corpus Christi, TX, USA