Shikkaricon 2018
October 27-28, 2018 Postponed
SPIN Community & Fitness
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Anime Convention with Video Gaming programming
We've been doing some thinking. Over the past few months we've seen a lot of you guys stop by our table at different cons or reach out to us about Shikkaricon and there seemed to be a common trend.
We've gotten a lot of "I wish I could, but I can't because of _____". Which we totally understand! Sometimes, life gets in the way with work or personal commitments. It happens to all of us. Even though we are excited that Shikkaricon is coming back, we are also bummed that we can't share it with all of you.
Because of this, we have decided to postpone Shikkaricon until October 19th & 20th, 2019. We've thought long and hard about this decision, but we think it's for everyone's benefit. We don't want this to happen if you can't be a part of it. By postponing until 2019 we want to make sure as many of you can attend as possible and it also gives us more time to make sure Shikkaricon is the best that it can be.
Registration Information
$40: Both Days
Attendance cap of 400
Shikkaricon 2018 Guests
- Mike Hecht - Voice Actor
- KyoDaiko - Taiko Drummers
- The Manly Battleships - Panelists
- Jesse Nowack - Actor
Previous/Future Events
Shikkaricon 2024 — August 17-18, 2024
Shikkaricon 2023 — August 19-20, 2023
Shikkaricon 2022 — August 20-21, 2022