![Anime DeMoii 2017](http://media.animecons.com/ConLogo/logo_C9072.png)
Anime DeMoii 2017
October 7, 2017 Cancelled
Drake University, Knapp Center
Des Moines, IA, USA
Anime Convention
We regret to announce that due to unforeseen complications, Anime DeMoii 2017 has been cancelled. We have provided a free, one day convention for 6 years and expected we could work through any issues for 2017. Diminished staff, drastically increased costs, and several new requirements by our venue are some of the unexpected complications that arose. Through recent discussions, it has become clear that Anime DeMoii has gone further from our ideal event and out of our hands.
Countless hours of work go into each Anime DeMoii and this year was no exception. We are passionate about the event we provide and the people who attend from the community. No one is more disappointed than we are it has come to this. We hope to make it up to you in the future, whatever form that may take.
Registration Information