San Diego Anime Con 2024 Information

San Diego Anime Con 2024

San Diego Anime Con 2024
November 15-17, 2024
Legacy Resort Hotel & Spa
San Diego, CA, USA

Anime Convention

Organized by Silk Road Productions

From Silk Road Productions, the creators and producers of Fangaea Con and AnimeLand, we invite you to experience the inaugural San Diego Anime Con, where you can unleash your inner anime and "Bring the Fury!"

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$30 + fee through April 20, 2024
$44.52 through August 14, 2024
$55 + fee
At-Door Rates
$25: Friday
$30: Saturday
$25: Sunday

Previous/Future Events

San Diego Anime Con 2024  —  November 15-17, 2024
San Diego Anime Con 2023  —  November 18-19, 2023
AnimeLand 2023  —  October 14, 2023

Update San Diego Anime Con 2024 Information